f@#k jeff goldblum lol
f@#k jeff goldblum lol
you eeeeeeeeeeeedieeeet!!!
lol ren and stimpy
strikingly similiar...
reminded me of my stepmom....way to go :)
pretty good i lol'd
pretty effing funny
i enjoyed watching this while i sit in class waiting for my fucking proffessor to show up ..... oh newgrounds thank you for making time wasting cartoons!
kept me entertained...
for awhile...i will never watch anime again lol
its still
wow thats weird and funny somehow....
very entertaining !
liked the humor and the animation was great! looking forward to the next one soon!
that familiar....
what program did u use to create satans voice...?i forsee many hours of enjoyment on the phone with it lolololol
Joined on 12/24/09